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Find your dream job, right here...

We specialise in people.

As soon as you enter our door, we want you to feel part of the Humber Recruitment family. We specialise in people; so you can rest assured that you will be treated as an individual, we look beyond the CV to match you with your perfect position.

  • We will walk you through every step of the process, with help, advice and guidance. Our team will talk with you about the opportunities available, from preparing you for interviews to helping you with presentation skills.
  • We will only suggest a role you’re suitable and qualified for and we ensure to match you with an opportunity that will benefit both you and the employer.
  • Our aftercare is second to none; our services and commitment to you won’t end once we help you secure the position you have been searching for. The team check in with you to make sure you’re settling in okay and provide you with support throughout your time with us.

Take the hard work out looking for jobs.

Together we will find the jobs that match your goals and ambitions.

We work with our candidates to make sure they’re performing to the best of their abilities and are developing within their job roles.

We have amazing reviews...